Mohit Kumar Bajoria

Impact: Mohit joined the Mifos team in March 2016 as a GSOC intern. He quickly went to work on adding browser-based offline access to the Community Application. Then he continued his outstanding work as a Google Code In mentor and tackled the remaining bugs in the re-skin so it could be finalized and published to the Mifos community.

Mohit established himself as a leader as he became the maintainer of the re-skin branch all on his own doing. He’s been mentoring other contributors, squashing lots of bugs, and reviewing and merging incoming pull requests.

Mohit is an proud open source supported that has worked on multiple web and mobile applications. He enjoys making these applications with the ability to work offline so they can be utilized even in remote areas. Mohit mainly works on Javascript and his favorite framework is AngularJS, which he used to help build the Community Application.

Mohit found his GSOC internship with the Mifos Initiative very beneficial and informative. We were truly amazed at how quickly he was able to retain new information and transform into one of the community leaders.

Ask Questions. Be curious to know what’s going on in the community. Mifos has a dedicated gitter channel and mailing lists where you won’t be left with no reply; you will surely get answers to your questions. So feel free to discuss and ask questions.

Everyone should have access to banking and poor people should have equal access to banking opportunities.

Mohit made contributions on the community app built on AngularJS by transforming the community app into a progressive web application and making it also work offline for the user.

“Mifos always appreciates your contribution which motivates me to work for the community. I am very much thankful to Ed who has managed to make such an awesome community.”