Profamilia Goes Live with Mifos in Mozambique

IMG-20110808-00006Great news from Mozambique as we have another Mifos deployment live and another Mifos user to welcome to the community.  Miguel and Natu from Iniciativa Mifos Moçambique just finished implementing Mifos at Profamilia Moçambique.  Miguel is leading efforts to promote and distribute Mifos all throughout Southern Africa – his team has successfully brought the Mifos technology to Associação Progresso in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique and to Kongalend Financial Services in Namibia. Beyond Mozambique, their team is seeking out additional Mifos users to add to the community in Zambia and Cape Verde.

Profamilia Moçambique’s microfinance operations serve the province of Inhambane, benefiting the populations of the districts of Inhambane, Zavala, Inharime, Morrumbene through the provision of more inclusive financial services. They target their solidarity group loans at low income customers, particularly women.

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SunGard Releases Data Migration Toolkit

The Mifos Data migration toolkit developed by the SunGard Mifos team is now available as a Beta release. The Mifos data migration toolkit can be used to migrate legacy system data into Mifos for MFIs running a Windows environment.

This tool will help Mifos Specialists reduced the time to deploy Mifos. Through the convenient upload of an Excel spreadsheet via the data migration tool, they can more efficiently migrate historical loan and client data.  The tool will map the data according to your general ledger accounts and specified Mifos configuration.  Currently the Data Migration Toolkit has been tested for Mifos version 2.1 and covers the following functions:

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Mifos 2.1.5 Released

This past week, we released the latest hotfix, Mifos 2.1.5. This hotfix includes the following fixes and enhancements:

  • Changes to mandatory savings amounts are now accurately reflected in the UI and appear correctly in the collection sheet report
  • Issues/withdrawals amount is now displaying correctly in the collection sheet entry pipeline
  • Improvements to Question Group query to improve loading speeds of center, group, and client pages
  • Improvements to the batch job that generates meetings for savings
  • Ensuring that removed fees no longer show on the ‘Review installments’ and ‘Preview Loan account information’ pages
  • Fixed for collection sheet error: “The amount specified for <Loan product> of customer <customer name> is invalid. Please specify valid amount.”

MFIs on the latest codebase should upgrade to this new version. Please view the release notes for a full list of issues fixed. Follow the upgrade instructions for a smooth upgrade.

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Mifos 2.1.5 Released

This past week, we released the latest hotfix, Mifos 2.1.5. This hotfix includes the following fixes and enhancements:

  • Changes to mandatory savings amounts are now accurately reflected in the UI and appear correctly in the collection sheet report
  • Issues/withdrawals amount is now displaying correctly in the collection sheet entry pipeline
  • Improvements to Question Group query to improve loading speeds of center, group, and client pages
  • Improvements to the batch job that generates meetings for savings
  • Ensuring that removed fees no longer show on the ‘Review installments’ and ‘Preview Loan account information’ pages
  • Fixed for collection sheet error: “The amount specified for <Loan product> of customer <customer name> is invalid. Please specify valid amount.”

MFIs on the latest codebase should upgrade to this new version. Please view the release notes for a full list of issues fixed. Follow the upgrade instructions for a smooth upgrade.

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Documenting Technology Impact: Mifos ROI Model and Case Studies

Report examining the technology return on investment (ROI) realized by deploying Mifos® including a hands-on ROI tool and three in-depth case studies documenting technology ROI at four MFIs.

Technology is critical in building strong organizations that can respond nimbly to changes. It is especially important in the microfinance industry, which has grown rapidly over the past decade to serve more than 190 million people globally.  This series, undertaken through a partnership between The MasterCard Foundation and Grameen Foundation, examines the cost benefits realized by deploying Mifos® at four microfinance institutions and is a step in advancing knowledge about deploying a management information system at microfinance institutions using diverse operating models.

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SolDevelo: Nimble Java Ninjas Fighting Poverty from Poland

soldevelo_1200We want to take the chance to highlight one of the top contributors to our community, SolDevelo, based in Gdynia, Poland. They are a telling example that no matter where you are located in the world, you can play your part towards creating a world of 3 Billion Maries.

Finding talented Java developers is always a challenge, especially given the complex business requirements that Mifos supports. Yet our team is always impressed that whatever project we send to SolDevelo, they quickly and thoroughly deliver a solution of superb quality.  Their nimble team is always up to the challenge, ready and willing to work on new features, fixing bugs, building reports, quality assurance – whatever our users need for a better product. Many thanks to Jakub for writing this post to highlight his team and the work they’ve done on the Mifos project.

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Kongalend Deployment Kicks off in Namibia

The Iniciativa Mifos® Moçambique team recently concluded a trip out to Windhoek, Namibia, kicking off Mifos deployment with the team at Kongalend Financial Services. 

KL-logo-FINAL-wb2Earlier this year, I got several emails from Semba Funda, the IT manager, at Kongalend Financial Services in Namibia. Semba had expressed a strong desire to use Mifos but was in need of a local expert to help them get the full benefits of Mifos.  Kongalend is a Namibian microfinance instutition based in Windhoek providing credit and power loan products to those with limited or no access to financial services. They were looking to streamline their operations and have greater control over what their software could do for their business. Their existing system, LendMaster, had very limited support and was impeding day to day operations; they were confident Mifos was the solution for them. With the Iniciativa Mifos® Moçambique team at their side, they’re now ready for a Mifos solution that will allow sustainable growth for the microcredit activities and expansion to several Namibian regions.

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Building a Better Community Experience

main-board-everything1Thoughts on how the Mifos community can follow David Eaves’ advice on enabling a better community experience based on his analysis of Mozilla metrics and dashboards analyzin contributors and their interactions.

David Eaves, a public policy entrepreneur, open government activist and negotiation expert who advises businesses on open source strategies and community management, put together a fascinating post on his blog. He takes a look at a set of dashboards and metrics Mozilla is using to measure the efficiency of its contributor community. He has pulled together some great insight that our (and any open source community) could follow to maintain better relationships with contributors and enable greater interaction and collaboration across a community.  We’re very excited to see such a large project like Mozilla doing this and should try to do it more formally with our contributor data in MifosForge.

For us, an area that we would really like to dig deep down into is metrics of our implementer community. We’re building pretty solid data on who our independent users are and who are specialists implementing Mifos along with rough metrics to measure that progress.  To help grow the user base of our software and identify how we can increase adoption, we need to understand the overall implementer experience. We’ve begun to analyze the lifecycle of a deployment, pinpointing the pain points along the way. Once we know more about where our users are, why they use our software, and what stage of deployment is most challenging, we can begin to improve the overall experience – i.e. make our software easier to deploy, improve our documentation, etc.

Here are a few noted highlights from David’s post.

Reducing Barriers to Cooperation

David on “Why the contributor experience is a key driver for success of open source projects”

“This task is made all the more complicated since Mozilla’s ability to fulfill its mission and compete against larger, better funded competitors depends on its capacity to tap into a large pool of social capital – a corps of paid and unpaid coders whose creativity can foster new features and ideas. Competing at this level requires Mozilla to provide processes and tools that can effectively harness and coordinate that energy at minimal cost to both contributors and the organization.

As I discussed in my Mozilla Summit talk on Community Management, processes that limit the size or potential of our community limit Mozilla.Conversely, making it easier for people to cooperate, collaborate, experiment and play enhances the community’s capacity. Consequently, open source projects should – in my opinion – constantly be looking to reduce or eliminate transactions costs and barriers to cooperation. A good example of this is how Github showed that forking can be a positive social contribution. Yes it made managing the code base easier, but what it really did was empower people. It took something everyone thought would kill open source projects – forking – and made it a powerful tool of experimentation and play.”

We have struggled with this given the learning curve for Mifos is so high and the codebase can be so murky once you get deep into it.  Seeking to overcome that, we try to put out as clear of documentation as possible, use tools that are open and transparent, and use the best-in-class open source libraries as we modularize our platform.  That being said, it requires a strong culture and a deep commitment to reducing these barriers that we as many open source projects must improve upon.

Building a Better Experience

David on “Using Data to Build a Better Contributor Experience”

“Unfortunately, it is often hard to quantitatively assess how effectively an open source community manages itself. Our goal is to change that. The hope is that these dashboards – and the data that underlies them – will provide contributors with an enhanced situational awareness of the community so they could improve not just the code base, but the community and its processes. If we can help instigate a faster pace of innovation of change in the processes of Mozilla, then I think this will both make it easier to improve the contributor experience and increase the pace of innovation and change in the software. That’s the hope.

…An open source communities volunteer contributors should be a treasured resource. One nice thing about this dashboard is that you can not only see just volunteers, but you can get a quick sense of those who haven’t submitted a patch in a while.

Using this view we can see who are volunteers who are starting to participate less – note the red circle marked “everything okay?” A good community manager might send these people an email asking if everything is okay. Maybe they are moving on, or maybe they just had a baby (and so are busy with a totally different type of patch – diapers), but maybe they had a bad experience and are frustrated, or a bunch of code is stuck in review. These are things we would want to know, and know quickly, as losing these contributors would be bad. In addition, we can also see who are the emerging power contributors – they might be people we want to mentor, or connect with mentors in order to solidify their positive association with our community and speed up their development. In my view, this should be core responsibilities of community managers and this dashboard makes it much easier to execute on these opportunities.”


With a business domain that is so complex and a product that is so niche, we fully know that finding quality contributors is a challenge.  Retaining them and keeping them actively involved is a priority. We can use data to help us know who is actively contributing, who is dropping off and what areas of the product they’re contributing to. By understanding the overall contributor experience, we can build the processes and culture to increase community stickiness and incent volunteers to participate more.  Our mission of 3 Billion Maries is strong and we try to actively recognize our Star Contributors but we have much more we could do – how do you think we can increase volunteer contribution? More in-depth projects? Greater ownership of the project? Deeper connection to the entrepreneurs we’re empowering? Simpler projects? More engaged mentorship? Professional Networking and Development? There are many levers we can adjust to build a better experience, which matter to you most?

Understanding community is vital to helping it thrive and be successful.  For Mifos we need to focus on both our contributors and even more so our implementers – this community is the group that can help take our technology the last mile to the regions where microfinance institutions need it most.

Conflux hits the road

conflux_11Specialists around the world are independently guiding the adoption of Mifos. Providing local support and implementation services to MFIs is of the many values of the Mifos ecosystem. This is a guest post from Nayan Ambali, a member of Conflux Technologies, detailing a recent Mifos Roadshow, they embarked on throughout Northern India. 
Our roadshow was intended to showcase the functionalities of Mifos to MFIs in northern India. We chose to start with Utter Pradesh (North India state) because of its highly dense population plagued by gender inequality and poverty with more than 40% living below the poverty line. Most of the MFIs are lagging in adopting technology compared to their counterparts in South India.

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Star Contributor of the Month – Bharathi Ram and Donnie Tuck

Documentation Star Contributors

For the months of January and February, we’re showcasing two Bankers without Borders volunteers who have been updating and expanding our documentation. Bharathi Ram and Donnie Tuck have brought an understandable voice to some of the complex new features in our most recent releases. They’ve updated our user manual so you can use the new features and understand the value they can provide.

There are many ways to contribute to the Mifos Initiative and our vision of 3 Billion Marieswriting code, enabling collaboration, translating the software, providing feedback. This is the first time we’re recognizing a Star Contributor for their documentation efforts but it’s a big need that we have. Documentation is a crucial factor in the successful adoption of open source software – whether it be installing Mifos, configuring it, generating reports, etc. OpenMRS, in fact, just announced that for 2011, documentation will be one of their key focus areas. Mifos 2.0 and 2.1 contained some of our most significant new functionality to date – question groups, full support for PPI, integration with M-PESA, variable installment loans, new interest rate calculations, and more.

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