Quito Chapter launches first Mifos Chapter in Latin America
Quito Chapter, first meeting.
Last Tuesday, a group of ten people, from different backgrounds, gathered around to have the first meeting of the Quito Chapter, the first Mifos chapter in Latin America. Mifos Chapters are volunteer-led groups to bring together users, partners, and innovators right within their local communities to share ideas, collaborate, and build a flourishing ecosystem. Fill out our Chapter Startup Form if you’d like to launch a chapter in your city.
The meeting was held at IMPAQTO, the first Ecuadorian co-work space, and social innovation hub.
At the venue participated Jorge Moncayo from Ecuador’s Central Bank and Chairman of Quito Chapter; Roberto Guevara, General Manager of BancoDesarrollo, Daniel Fernández Salvador, lawyer; iOU team; and Fausto Valencia, expert in electronic money.
The first hour was an introduction to our community, in which, Ma. Luisa Martínez, our Account Manager, presented Mifos, what is our status in Latin America and why we decided to open a Chapter in Quito. And we had a surprise for the assistants: Craig Chelius (Executive Director), Dayna Harp (Director of Strategic Initiatives), Ed Cable (Director of Community Programs), Javier Borkenztain (Director of Strategic Initiatives for LatAm) and Jacob Kobzi (Business and Community Development Interns) sent videos and a letter showing their support for the Chapter.
After that, each attendee presented themselves and shared their objectives and why there were participating in this.

“I’m here to leave a footprint: to set a path towards financial inclusion”
“Mifos empowered us to be a solution for Financial Inclusion, now it’s the time for us to empower this Community”
We ended the meeting by establishing the Chapter’s mission:
“To foster and create a culture of financial inclusion, through technological empowerment at the service of the most vulnerable”. Regarding the vision: “To be the influential community at the international level in promoting inclusion Financial”.
Exciting things will start happen in Quito, stay tuned!