Markus Geiß

Impact: Markus has been a one-of-a-kind volunteer that stepped right in and immediately became a tight-knit member of the community. In the brief 6 months he’s been here, he’s become a dedicated mentor, a sage architect, a proficient contributor, a respected committer, and most importantly a trusted friend.

It’s astounding that it’s only been six months since Markus joined the Mifos community with a friendly introduction via the mailing lists after discovering us on Social Coding 4 Good. Markus stepped up, purely on his own initiative, to share his expertise and has since become an integral part of the development team.

It’s hard to imagine that we could have come this far as a community without Markus’s effort. His architectural insight has become a pillar of wisdom we’ve been able to count on time after time, and he has always been a dedicated mentor. Not only is Markus a valuable contributor, but also a positive force in the Mifos community, brightening everyone’s day with his friendly presence and good sense of humor.

Be silly. Be honest. Be kind.

Helping them to live the life they want.

  • Mentored for GSoC
  • Developed Mifos SMS Bridge
  • Lead an initiative to ease the platform’s extensibility (WebHooks, Java-based Client SDK)

“It’s rewarding to work on Mifos because it makes me feel good, the community is awesome, and I have made a bunch of new friends during the last few months.”