– Ecosystem and marketplace-
– Opportunities to re-sell Mifos & Opportunities to monetize through building out new Apps
– Sustainable locally-owne businesses.
– Breadth of services
– Opportunity
– For user, this is access to local support, creating a channel that is dedicated to serving them and help them provide modern, digital financial services.
– For us, this is our key to sustainability and best chance for widespread scale
– For partners, it’s revenue opportunity with the product, with the platform,
– Creating an economy/marketplace around the platform, keeping local job
Affordable, accessible, and available software is only one part of the solution. To use it effectively,  MFIs need local support that understands their needs. COSM solves that challenge by building a network of qualified and trusted local service providers called Mifos Specialists. In any region where an MFI needs help, they can connect with a Specialist offering the services they need – hosting, implementation, support, training, custom development, social performance management, and more.
The only way to provide this local support and scale it to the thousands of MFIs operating in remote environments where typical software vendors won’t go is to empower local companies, both large and small.  We can achieve the leverage we need by building a network committed to our social mission but driven by a sustainable open source business model responding to the vast market need.
As the primary distribution channel for Mifos, these local companies are a critical part of the community, carrying Mifos to new markets. They are young, entrepreneurial, and agile – serving as the eyes and ears on the ground supporting MFIs, listening to their needs, and providing the grass-roots innovation to evolve the Mifos software.
COSM fuels this innovation and channels this energy throughout our community into the Mifos platform by doing the following: