Aligning Volunteer Passion with User Pain

4549865709_0c58f4c739_bHead on over to the Community for Open Source Microfinance blog for a post on how we’re trying to help channel the passion and talents of our volunteers to solve the needs and pains of our users. We recently published the process for requesting new features and voting on suggestions to make their way into the product roadmap.  The product roadmap is what guides our volunteer contributors and we want it be user-driven so they can provide new features that directly meet your business requirements. Our Community Feature Requests Dashboard captures all feature requests that have come in and provides a visual glimpse of how the product management team prioritizes your feedback.

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Announcing the Margaret H Release

Following the transition of Mifos from the Grameen Foundation, we’re pleased to announce the first major release of Mifos fully supported by community members.  This release will be code-named Margaret H in recognition of Margaret Matinde, one of the many women that Nuru Kenya has been empowering to rise up from extreme poverty.

Margaret Matinde has been a Nuru client for three years. Throughout this time, Nuru gave her the ability to save and the opportunity to take out a loan to start a successful restaurant business. Now instead of struggling to provide for her children, she can send them to school and focus on building their future. For the past year and a half, Nuru has been using Mifos to administer loans and savings accounts to clients like Margaret through their Community Economic Development program.  Rebecca Herrington and her team have been an active and engaged community member throughout the transition.

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Star Contributor of the Month – Lukasz Chudy

For the month of January 2012, we’re showcasing Lukasz Chudy, one of the many Lukasz’ at SolDevelo. Lukasz has stepped up to lead QA in the community during the recent transition of Mifos. You can find Lukasz on JIRA helping to orchestrate many a smooth release and strengthening the quality of Mifos so it MFIs can better serve the poor. 

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Mifos 2.2.3 is Released

SolDevelo released Mifos 2.2.3 on January 4, 2012.  This is the last maintenance release before on the Marie G branch before Release H. It contains more than 67 resolved tickets including numerous fixes to the user interface, various fixes to improve stability of embedded BIRT reports, and the completion of APIs to apply transactions to Mifos.  You can see these new APIs in action in version 1.2 of the Mifos Android Client which SolDevelo launched on December 23.

The JIRA release notes contain a full list of all the tickets resolved in Mifos 2.2.3.

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Mifos 2.2.2 Ships

SolDevelo released Mifos 2.2.2 on November 30, 2011. This release contains more than 20 bug fixes, a new German translation, support for adding question groups to the close savings/loan account workflow, and completion of the first set of APIs for Mifos.

SolDevelo’s inclusion of these additional APIs completes the REST API Module for all read/view functionality. This means that you can now build an external client/app/module that calls and reads anything from Mifos (i.e. viewing clients, groups, centers, accounts, repayment schedules).  SolDevelo used these APIs as the foundation for the first version of their Mifos Android Client which is available for download in the Android Market. Conflux Technologies and Udai Gupta are also using these APIs as they proceed on their offline client which is being developed as a Chrome Browser Extension.

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Mifos 2.2.2 Ships

SolDevelo released Mifos 2.2.2 on November 30, 2011. This release contains more than 20 bug fixes, a new German translation, support for adding question groups to the close savings/loan account workflow, and completion of the first set of APIs for Mifos.

SolDevelo’s inclusion of these additional APIs completes the REST API Module for all read/view functionality. This means that you can now build an external client/app/module that calls and reads anything from Mifos (i.e. viewing clients, groups, centers, accounts, repayment schedules).  SolDevelo used these APIs as the foundation for the first version of their Mifos Android Client which is available for download in the Android Market. Conflux Technologies and Udai Gupta are also using these APIs as they proceed on their offline client which is being developed as a Chrome Browser Extension.

The community continues to respond to the need of its users as the questions group feature was requested by Grameen Koota to ease their process of upgrading to the latest Mifos codebase.

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Passing the Torch – Community Ships First Release Post-Transition

Grameen Foundation is pleased to announce the release of Mifos 2.2.1 which has been fully developed and supported by the SolDevelo team, Udai Gupta, and other members of the community. Major enhancements include the first API module in Mifos, the ability to attach client photos, the flexibility to edit client date of birth and center, a new Telugu translation, and numerous bug fixes. Beyond the new functionality and the API module that’s been launched, what’s most important is this is the first Mifos release that’s been purely supported and developed by the community independent of Grameen Foundation.

We are thrilled by the community support for this release.  This is a significant release functionally and architecturally and marks a major step in the transition of Mifos from Grameen Foundation to the community.

Rather than simply list off features let’s look at what this release means for the community.

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Passing the Torch – Community Ships First Release Post-Transition

Grameen Foundation is pleased to announce the release of Mifos 2.2.1 which has been fully developed and supported by the SolDevelo team, Udai Gupta, and other members of the community. Major enhancements include the first API module in Mifos, the ability to attach client photos, the flexibility to edit client date of birth and center, a new Telugu translation, and numerous bug fixes. Beyond the new functionality and the API module that’s been launched, what’s most important is this is the first Mifos release that’s been purely supported and developed by the community independent of Grameen Foundation.

We are thrilled by the community support for this release.  This is a significant release functionally and architecturally and marks a major step in the transition of Mifos from Grameen Foundation to the community.

Rather than simply list off features let’s look at what this release means for the community.

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Mifos 2.1.6 Released & SolDevelo to Extend Mifos 2.2

This past week, we released the latest hotfix, Mifos 2.1.6. This hotfix release includes the following fixes:

  • Stack trace appears is no longer appearing after submitting Question Groups with response which has more than 200 characters
  • Client details page are no longer loading too slowly for some MFIs

Click here to download and view documentation. A full list of the of issues fixed can be found here:  and in the release notes:

Please note the upgrade instructions as well when upgrading to this release.

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Mifos 2.1.6 Released & SolDevelo to Extend Mifos 2.2

This past week, we released the latest hotfix, Mifos 2.1.6. This hotfix release includes the following fixes:

  • Stack trace appears is no longer appearing after submitting Question Groups with response which has more than 200 characters
  • Client details page are no longer loading too slowly for some MFIs

Click here to download and view documentation. A full list of the of issues fixed can be found here:  and in the release notes:

Please note the upgrade instructions as well when upgrading to this release.

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