Mifos and MOSIP to collaborate on next evolution of OpenG2P

Recently the Digital Public Goods Alliance announced the forthcoming leadership and support from MOSIP to the OpenG2P Initiative. We’re excited to begin collaboration with MOSIP to chart OpenG2P to new stages of growth as we collectively address the widespread challenges in digitizing social protection programs and streamlining bulk cash transfers. 

Over the past year and a half with a seed grant from Paul Maritz, the Mifos Initiative has spearheaded the cultivation of OpenG2P as the leading advocate for DPGs for social protection, stewarded the first implementation along with DSTI for the Ministry of Education in Sierra Leone, and extensively evolved the OpenG2P framework of deployable building blocks under the leadership of Fynarfin

We have been able to position OpenG2P as a showcase of how multiple digital public goods can be brought together as a cohesive and composable solution to provide scalable, maintainable, cost-effective digital public infrastructure for a complex end to end governmental use case. 

OpenG2P has established itself firmly at the intersection of social protection and digital public goods as the technology and implementation layer to augment policy-level initiatives like G2Px and as a practicable and deployable architecture and set of open source building blocks that aligns with the broader GovStack and Digital Convergence Initiatives.  


The added leadership of MOSIP will help take the initiative to new heights:

  • Formalizing the governance structure to enable the participation of other DPGs and multilateral entities
  • Accelerating the adoption of OpenG2P by leveraging MOSIP’s extensive presence as a national digial identity solution
  • Advancing the roadmap of OpenG2P to be more modular, robust and capable of flexibly supporting the benefit delivery workflows of multiple ministries. 

Looking Back

Throughout 2021, the framework has come together quite well as the building blocks have been enhanced to meet the needs of MBSSE in Sierra Leone and address the broader use cases OpenG2P envisions to support. On the enrollment front:

  • Streamlined and automated flow of data from ODK into the Odoo OpenG2P ERP
  • Lightweight validation and determination of eligble benefits in Odoo,
  • Solution design of integration points with data intermediation systems like X-Road. 

On the payment and benefit delivery front: 

  • Designed and implemented bulk payment processor in Payment Hub EE
  • Enhanced the operational interface in PH-EE
  • Introduced a notifications framework in PH-EE to ensure delivery of payment to the intended beneficiary
  • Developed of the SLCB payment connector for PH-EE 
  • Designed and built out initial support for voucher generation 

Overall we have:

  • Optimized the UI for end to end workflows based on the CGAP GovPay design
  • Enhanced the deployability of OpenG2P via infrastructure as code
  • Developed a standard set of dashboards and visualizations. 

Looking Ahead 

MOSIP will add enormous value to the initiative at multiple levels. We look forward to advancing our vision of creating a cloud-native modular framework that flexibly powers the the delivery of any cash or non-cash benefit to anyone. 

Advocacy & Adoption

MOSIP will immediately help to expand the footprint of OpenG2P by bringing forth new markets and opportunities that are eager to roll out solutions for benefits delivery in coordination with their existing MOSIP Digital ID systems. 

Weaving in Digital Public Goods into a Focused Roadmap 

OpenG2P is a practical and powerful example of how multiple digital public goods can be deployed in a unified manner to meet a distinct end to end governmental use case. Mifos and MOSIP will now be able to focus on their core functional components while inviting other DPGs to become core components in the stack. 

OpenG2P already utilizes Mifos and Fineract components like the Payment Hub EE at its core and has an in-built Mojaloop connector to integrate into any country that powers its inclusive and instant interoperable payment system with Mojaloop. Mifos and Fynarfin will continue to refine the building blocks of Mifos and Fineract to digitizing the ledger and cost-effectively manage accounts, wallets and stores of value and seamlessly orchestrate payments through PH-EE

MOSIP as the key building block of foundational and functional ID will now be a robust component for biometric enrollment of beneficiaries and authorization of payment delivery.  MOSIP will now be able to spearhead these core flows around enrollment and validation, ensuring the privacy and integrity of the beneficiary data. 

Collectively we look forward to formalizing collaboration with other initiatives like CoreMIS and OpenIMIS to enable centralized beneficiary management, validation, scoring, and GRM and deepening integration with peer DPGs in the Financial Inclusion Community of Practice like Mojaloop for interoperable payments and X-Road for data intermediation. 

Community and Ecosystem Growth

MOSIP will help to establish a governance structure that will facilitate the participation of new entities that will unlock the scale and sustainability of the initiative. 

Mifos will leverage its track record over the past two decades of cultivating local ecosystems delivering scalable DPG-powered solutions to effectively deploy, integrate and extend OpenG2P. This experience will be critical as OpenG2P aims to transform how governments both consume as well as contribute to open source digital public goods and infrastructure.