Meet our 2024 Google Summer of Code and Code for GovTech Interns

Join us in officially welcoming our class of interns for 2024. We have the pleasure of working with 18 interns across Google Summer of Code and Code for GovTech. This year Google of Summer of Code is celebrating its 20th year and marks our 12th year of participation overall and 9th year directly as the Mifos Initiative with eleven interns chosen. We are participating for the first time in the Code for GovTech Dedicated Mentoring Program which is now entering its third year being led by Samagra Governance. We have been able to select seven interns through this program which aims to cultivate a community of coders that can build and contribute to global Digital Public Goods.  We are blessed to once again be working with the cream of the crop of burgeoning open source contributors as we had to be highly selective in choosing our eleven interns for GSOC amongst more than sixty applicants and our seven C4GT interns from dozens of applicants as well. This year we have 16 contributors from India and for the first time, two contributors from Egypt. 

While our ultimate aim is build the next generation of open source contributors and lay the bedrock and foundation for the future of our community with new maintainers and committers, as usual, the projects proposed by our mentors and applied to by our interns will add immense value across all of our codebases and projects.

Google Summer of Code

For Google Summer of Code, we will have four interns working on mobile development, three interns on web and front-end development, three interns on artificial intelligence and machine learning related projects, and one on the Apache Fineract platform.

On the mobile front, our interns will be primarily focused on cross-cutting changes across the various applications to upgrade core dependencies, migrate to Jetpack Compose, evolve towards multimodal architectures, enable cross-platform development through Kotlin Multiplatform and consume common layers like our UI library, SDK, and soon-to-be-developed self-service middleware layer. In addition we will refine the overall user experience and deepen payment integration support especially for use cases like G2P. Rajan Maurya leads our team of mentors including Avinash Vijayvargiya, Chirag Gupta who will be guiding our mobile interns. Pratyush Singh and Aditya Kumdale will be heading up efforts to improve our mobile wallet, specifically for G2P use cases, Avneet Singh will be championing efforts around our Mifos Mobile mobile banking app and Aditya Gupta working on our Android Client and SDK.

On the web development front our team of mentors include Jose Alberto Hernandez, Bharath Gowda, and previous interns, Ramveer Singh and Radha Thakare. Pushpendra Singh and Vikash Prem Sharma will be focused on and designing and implementing a micro frontend proof of concept to the improve the scalability, maintainability and ease of developing new user experiences while Omar Nabile will lead efforts to continue enhancing our web app for greater performance and a better user experience.

This year we have a deeper focus on AI with multiple projects including Parth Kaushal continuing to refine and enhance the accuracy of our machine learning credit scorecard module under the mentorship of Victor Romero and Nasser, Akshat Sharma working on a brand new bank statement analysis module for creditworthiness led by Jeremy Engelbrecht, and Shubham Pal under the leadership of David Higgins and Chaitanya Nuthalapati exploring the power of generative AI to create a chatbot and self-support mechanism to help users and implementers better access our documentation and lessons learned over all the years.  Last but not least, Zeyad Nasef, will be helping to improve the maintainability and overall code quality of Fineract by  introducing type-safety at the REST API layer under the mentorship of Aleks Vidakovic and Sanyam and Rahul Goel. 

Code for GovTech

For Code for GovTech, we have a diverse array of projects all related to our emerging digital public goods to fuel digital public infrastructure that advances the adoption of instant inclusive payment systems and enables effective last-mile G2P distribution. Tom Daly leads our team of mentors including Elijah Okello, Courage Angeh, Nelly Kiboi, and Victor Romero stewarding several projects related to DevOps and deployability of our DPGs. These projects include Abhinav Kumar working on our next iteration of Mojafos, DPI as a Service, streamlining the deployment of Mifos/Fineract, Payment Hub EE and Mojaloop.  Yash Sharma will be working on Implementing a Kubernetes Operator for Mifos X/Fineract to improve its deployment and Devesh Pandey will be working on a performance testing tool for Mifos Payment Hub EE.

On the mobile front, we have two projects: enhancements to our mobile wallet led by Akash Meruva under the mentorship of Rajan Maurya and Avinaash Vijayvargiya and Palak Meshra working on the next version of our PISP/3PPI/Open Banking Fintech App being mentored by Karim Jindani along with Azeem Yaseen and Tifail Gadit.  

Ratnesh Mishra will be spearheading efforts around evolving our Mojaloop Connector in PH-EE to work with Mojaloop vNext. He is mentored by Elijah Okello alongside Tom Daly, Nelly Kiboi, Victor Romero and Courage Angeh. Dipan Dhali rounds out our C4GT projects focusing on the front-end with continued enhancements to our Operations Web app for Payment Hub EE under the stewardship of Alberto Hernandez, Karim Jindani, Azeem Yaseen and Tufail Gadit.

Thank you once again to Google for selecting us to participate in Summer of Code and for Samagra Governance for its leadership of the C4GT program. Thank you to all the mentors for all their guidance so far and continuing to lead our interns throughout the summer. 

Please join us at our Town Hall Meeting this Friday June 21 at 1530 GMT via Zoom where we will formally introduce all our interns.


Mobile Apps – Mifos X 

Pratyush Singh – India

  • Mobile Wallet Enhancements
  • Mentors:  Rajan Maurya, Chirag Gupta
Aditya Kumdale – India 

  • Mobile Wallet Enhancements
  • Mentors: Rajan Maurya, Chirag Gupta
Avneet Singh – India

  • Mifos Mobile Enhancements 
  • Mentors: Rajan Maurya, Avinash Vijayvargiya,
Aditya Gupta – India

  • Android Client & SDK Enhancements
  • Mentors: Avinash Vijayvargiya, Rajan Maurya


Mifos X Web Apps

Pushpendra Kumar – India 

  • Micro Frontends Proof of Concept
  • Mentors: Jose Alberto Hernandez, Radha Thakare

Omar Nabil – Egypt

  • Web App Enhancements
  • Mentors: Bharath Gowda, Ramveer Rajpoot

Vikash Prem Sharma – India – 

  • Micro Frontends Proof of Concept
  • Mentors: Jose Alberto Hernandez, Radha Thakare



AI & Machine Learning

Parth Kaushal – India

  • Machine Learning Credit Scorecard 6.0
  • Mentors: Victor Romero, Yemdjih Kaze Nasser

Shubham Pal – India 

  • Generative AI for Community Support
  • Mentors: David Higgins, Chaitanya Nuthalapati, Nayan Ambali

Akshat Sharma – India

  • Bank Statement Analysis
  • Mentors: Bharath Gowda, Jose Alberto Hernandez Aleks Vidakovic


Fineract Platform, Security & DevOps 

Zeyad Nasef – Egypt

  • Type Safety of REST API 
  • Mentors: Aleks Vidakovic,  Sanyam Goel, Rahul Goel

Code for GovTech Interns 

Abhinav Kumar – India

  • Mojafos v2
  • Mentors: Elijah Okello, along with Tom Daly, Nelly Kiboi, Victor Romero and Courage Angeh.

Dipan Dhali – India

  • Operations Web Enhancement for PH-EE
  • Mentors: Alberto Hernandez, Karim Jindani, Azeem Yaseen and Tufail Gadit.

Yash Sharma – India

  • Kubernetes Operator for Mifos X/Fineract
  • Mentors: Victor Romero along with Tom Daly, Elijah Okello and Courage Angeh.


Palak Mishra – India

  • Open Banking/PISP App
  • Mentor(s): Karim Jindani along with Azeem Yaseen and Tifail Gadit.
Akash Meruva – India

  • Mobile Wallet for G2P Payments 
  • Mentors: Rajan Maurya, Avinash Vijayvargiya

Devesh Pandey – India

  • Performance Testing Tool for PH-EE
  • Mentors: Tom Daly alongside Nelly Kiboi, Victor Romero, Courage Angeh and Elijah Okello.

Ratnesh Mishra – India

  • Update PH-EE Mojaloop Connector 
  • Mentors: Elijah Okello alongside Tom Daly, Nelly Kiboi, Victor Romero and Courage Angeh.

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