We are a thought leader for technology-enabled financial inclusion, committed to achieving our mission by delivering accessible technology designed to serve the Base of the Pyramid, providing tools and best practices for responsible financial inclusion, and endorsing standards for openness and transparency.
Appropriate Design
We ensure the platform is designed appropriately to serve the BoP – every feature is driven directly by user need and the product is delivered affordably, accessibly, and sustainably so it can be used most effectively in a customer’s unique environment.
Originating from the Grameen Foundation, our mission is core to our initiative and we will not stray. We guide a worldwide community to extend our platform to support a full roadmap to financial inclusion with affordable financial services backed by in-depth client management delivered via mobile channels.
Best Practices
Technology alone is not enough and we must provide the training and tools to ensure best practices in offering digital financial services that are responsible and aligned with social performance management. Our partners are held to the highest standard in support of these objectives.