Brook IT Consulting Ltd

Contact Information
United Kingdom
Detailed Information

Brook IT Consulting is a UK based IT services organisation experience in DPG/DPI alignment and Mifos solutions. We are able to provide technical consultancy and project management services.

We work with a wide range of customers from Commercial to NGOs and specialise in tailored solutions to your project needs, whether ad-hoc consultancy, training provision to end to end project management.

Number of Customers
Regions Served
America - North, America - Central, Europe - Eastern, Europe - Central, Europe - Western
Type of Partner
Platform Solution Partner
Services Provided
Implementation Services, Training & Education, IT Strategy Consulting, Product Design
Services & Solutions

Project Management
IT Consultancy
Business Consultancy

Team Description

Brook IT consulting brings together a team with over 25 years experience across multiple sectors, Financial and Insurance Services, Telecommunications, Fintech.

Industry Experience

Brook IT consulting brings together a team with over 25 years experience across multiple sectors, Financial and Insurance Services, Telecommunications, Fintech.

Community History
Brook IT Consulting has been contributing into the community since its inception, driving community building and engagement along with driving accessibility.
Ecosystem Objectives
Project Management Community Development
Community Contributions
Project Management of GovStack functionality into Payment Hub EE Multiple presentations on Mifos capabilities