Nayan Ambali

Impact: One could describe Nayan as a “renaissance man” for Mifos—he has been a member of the Mifos community for several years now, and he’s volunteered his skills, passion, and energy at all times.  He is with Conflux Technologies, which provides solutions to support Mifos efforts. However, his talents aren’t limited to just developing, supporting, and using Mifos X—he also has a passion for graphic design and created the logo for Mifos X.

Nayan holds a degree in ECE, and he’s a follower of Gandhi.  He discovered Mifos in 2010.  He is experienced with Open Source Software Development for both the front- and back-end, as well as Project Management, Technical Writing, Customer Management, and Graphic Design.  Using that experience, Nayan has made many contributions to the Mifos Initiative; far too many to list here.  Nonetheless, an example of one of his contributions was when he independently took on the development of the new Community App UI on AngularJS.

When asked about his contributions, however, Nayan was very humble and the only contribution he cited was the Mifos to Mifos X Migration Tool he wrote.  Whether traveling on cross-country road trips to meet customers, representing Mifos at conferences and summits, or even handing out Mifos t-shirts to new friends he meets on personal travels, he is always spreading word of our initiative.  A fundamental pillar of the Mifos community; the independent volunteering of his skills, passion, and energy at all times has contributed so much to the Mifos initiative.

“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history”

– Mahatma Gandhi

It is not my advice; I just believe in it.

Transparency and client protection.

  • Leading development of the entire Community App on AngularJS
  • Move to Mifos X Data Migration Tool
  • Numerous training guides and user manuals
  • System administration tools like EC2 images
  • Representing Mifos at multiple conferences.
  • Setting up websites and collaboration tools for Mifos
  • Designing logos, t-shirts, and collateral for the project.
  • Various features for Mifos 2.6 and Mifos X that have been shared back with the community.

What’s so rewarding about working on Mifos?

“Being part of this family.”